
古槿 副教授





1) 微小RNA调控网络. MiRNAs, a class of ~22nt endogenous small regulatory RNAs, play essential roles in multiple cellular processes. Most of the annotated protein-coding genes are predicted to be regulated by these tiny molecules through 3'-UTR sequence specific binding sites. Till now, ~1400 miRNAs are identified in human, but most of them are lack of functional annotations. We aim to develop new computational methods and theories to understand the principles of miRNA regulations and their functions during multiple biological processes, such as angiogenesis, inflammation and cancer. Now, we are trying to integrate gene expression data, protein-protein interaction (PPI) network data and miRNA target gene data to infer the dys-regulated miRNA pathways in cancers. We proposed to analyze the miRNA functions based on their target gene modularity in gene co-expression and PPI networks (Gu et al. Mol BioSyst 2012; Gu et al. BMC Syst Biol 2010).
2) 肿瘤相关生物网络的分析与建模. Dys-regulated biological networks (including genetics, epigenetics, transcription regulation and miRNA regulation, etc.) in cancer development provide important information for cancer diagnosis and therapy. We are developing methods to identify the dys-regulated networks by integrating multi-layer gene regulation data produced by high-throughput sequencing technology. Now, we mainly focus on 1) the network biomarkers for the clinical sample classification and the complex cancer cellular phenotypes; and 2) the differentially DNA methylated regions (DMRs) and the corresponding downstream regulatory networks in cancers, which may be highly related to cancer early development stages.


Jin Gu#, Shao Li#. Towards integrative annotating the cell-type specific gene functional and signaling map in vascular endothelial cells. Molecular BioSystems, 2012, 8:2041-2049. 
Yang Chen*, Jin Gu*, Dan Li, Shao Li. Time-course network analysis reveals TNF-alpha can promote G1/S transition of cell cycle in vascular endothelial cells. Bioinformatics 2012, 28(1):1-4. 
Jin Gu, Yang Chen, Shao Li, Yanda Li. Identification of responsive gene modules by network-based gene clustering and extending: application to inflammation and angiogenesis. BMC Systems Biology 2010, 4:47. 
Jin Gu, Hu Fu, Xuegong Zhang, Yanda Li. Identifications of conserved 7-mers in 3'-UTRs and microRNAs in Drosophila. BMC Bioinformatics 2007, 8:32. [Abstract] [Free Full Text] [Software]
Jin Gu*, Tao He*, Yunfei Pei, Fei Li, Jing Zhang, Xiaowo Wang, Xuegong Zhang, Yanda Li. Primary Transcripts and Expressions of Mammal Intergenic MicroRNAs Detected by Mapping ESTs to Their Flanking Sequences. Mammalian Genome 2006, 17(10):1033-1041.
Ruijuan Li, Weilong Guo, Jin Gu, Michael Q Zhang, Xiaowo Wang. Chromatin state and microRNA determine different gene expression dynamics responsive to TNF stimulation. Genomics 2012, 100(5):297-302.
Jin Gu. A multiple-instance scoring method to predict tissue-specific cis-regulatory motifs and regions. The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS'10) 2010, Vol I:186-190. (Oral Presentation) 
Jin Gu, Shao Li, Yang Chen, Yanda Li. Integrative computational identifications of the signaling pathway network related to TNF-alpha stimulus in vascular endothelial cells. International Joint Conference on Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing (IJCBS'09) 2009, 422-427. (Oral Presentation) 
Jin Gu. Brief review: frontiers in the computational studies of gene regulations. Frontier of Electrical Electronic Engineering in China 2008, 3(3):251-259. [Abstract] [Full Text] [Manuscript]
Xiaowo Wang, Jin Gu, Michael Zhang, Yanda Li. Identification of phylogenetically conserved microRNA cis-regulatory elements across 12 Drosophila species. Bioinformatics 2008, 24(2):165-171. 
Tao He, Fei Li, Jin Gu, Ruiqiang Li, Fei Li. Computational Identification of 99 Invertebrate MicroRNAs with Comparative Genomics. Tsinghua Science and Technology 2008, 13(4):425-432.
Xiaowo Wang, Jing Zhang, Fei Li, Jin Gu, Tao He, Xuegong Zhang, Yanda Li. MicroRNA Identification Based on Sequence and Structure Alignment. Bioinformatics 2005, 21(18):3610-3614. 


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